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Pork Tenderloin and Kohlrabi Gratin


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I made sous vide pork tenderloin[@rev] like I did back on 2017-07-28[@rev]. I did the same basic thing: 145°F for about 3 hours with garlic and herbs. But I just seared it and skipped trying to make a sauce which worked out ok, though I liked the sauce last time.

I actually made two of them so we would have lunch. I like how easy and relatively healthy this meal is!

Meredith also made Greek-Style Kohlrabi Gratin[@rev] with about 1.5x the recipe (but kept the onions the same). It really good and pretty healthy (especially since we used low-fat feta). We should keep the recipe in the rotation more!

Overall, pretty simple meal with lots of leftovers!